Hello, Fellow N4C Members,
the new president of the N4C Camera Club, I am honored to take on this role and
eager to work alongside each of you to foster our shared passion for
photography. Some may already know me from the Dubuque Conventions in 2018 and
2024. My husband, Ron Tigges, is our camera club
The N4C Camera Club has always been a vibrant community of photographers,
ranging from beginners to seasoned pros. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences
enrich our club and create a supportive environment where we can learn from one
another. I believe that through collaboration, we can elevate our skills,
explore new techniques, and inspire each other to push our creative boundaries.
This year, I am committed to enhancing our club's communications. I am hoping
that we can share resources of what is working for our clubs. Also hoping that
we can collectively find solutions in our group as well.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you, both old friends and new faces, as
we embark on this journey together. Let’s make this a memorable year filled with
creativity, growth, and, of course, award winning photographs!
Your 2024-2025 President,
Jennifer Tigges, Dubuque Camera Club

its inception almost simultaneously in the minds of three men Robert H.
Cochran, M.D., APSA. Omaha, E, Curtis Lugg, Sioux Falls, and Francis A.
Kingsbury, Ponca and Sioux City.
Fate decided that their paths should cross in the Spring of 1955, these three
men sat on the front porch of the Kingsbury home in Ponca Nebraska where their
vision gave birth to the North Central Council of Camera Clubs. From their idea
that evening a tentative organization, created May 30, 1955, combined members of
seven Camera Clubs located in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota. and South Dakota.
Summer, Fall, and Winter Seasons were spent in organizational creation of many
of the services still available from the "N-4-C", as the infant was nicknamed.
Meeting at the Joslyn Memorial Art Museum in Omaha, January 22, 1956, resulted
in adopting a Constitution, and in electing the temporary officers to their
permanent positions.
The First Convention, held in Sioux City, lowa, with Francis A. Kingsbury as
General Chairman gave the 123 delegates from the 20 member Clubs such excellent
programs that it is difficult to uphold tradition in the subsequent Conventions,
The now famous "N 4 C, “Where Names become Faces and Faces become Friends" was
originated during this gathering by Francis Kingsbury. The original officers
were re-elected to complete their assignment to build an active and lasting N-4